Saturday, November 9, 2013


      Environment  consists two parts that all living and non living things in the world such as weather , tree, food , water ...... etc. They are all impact in our life. All people around the world  responsible to reserve these in their life.
All countries should try to solution some important problems in the world, such as pollution, less food and Temperature.
Pollution  is more dangerous than every things to human body  because it causes to cancer. There are two ways to pollution.
Natural disaster is a first way too much pollution, such as Volcano. The  second way is an old buses, taxis and factories. They cause too much pollution around the world.
Develop countries have a lot of big factories that they are main responsible about pollution. At the same time they do not obey united nation s law to solution this problem.
  Less food. Agriculture is very important things for these countries that want to be successful or get more power in the world. Some scientist   have a specific speech who are say agriculture is more important to improve state than everything such as oil trade .... etc.
The population of the world is increasing very fast. Meanwhile the world needs more food specially in Africa. Improve an agriculture is not parallel with increase population around the world. Some countries depend on only oil to enrich (enhance) their countries. On the other hand, they distract or avoid an agriculture. Some philosophies will imagine the next cries is no food to eat in the world.
Temperature is increasing step by step that is make big problem in the future, The weather will be very hot some next years. Temperature has an effect to melt snow, therefore melt of snow is cause to increase water at see and ocean, after that some countries will be damage such as Netherlands .....etc.
Finally United nation is main responsible to contact with all countries to solution these problems because they can solute these. Meanwhile united nation can make  or declare some specific rules to improve pollution, less food and temperature problems, at the same time all countries have to committed to practice Un rules. In this way we can change world to better.      

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